Thanks to a really helpful company that I found on the net - Retro Photographic I now have two (out of date) films for my Kodak Duaflex. Even if the films are a little out of date and the photo's don't turn out at least I've got the spools now so I can use 120 film in it in the future. What's more I've just had another look at their website and noticed that they've just started stocking Black and White 127 film so it looks like the Brownies going to get a go after all. I've just finished the first film on the Duaflex so I'm looking forward to seeing what comes back when it's developed.
So, my latest acquisition from freecycle was a load of old. really cool cameras. I was really looking forward to running a film off on each but it would appear that's not as easy as I first thought!
The Agfa Isolette II, which is by far the most complicated of the three is the only one I've managed to get a film for, all I need to do now is work out how to load it, use it and unload it! the Brownie 127 would appear to be a lost cause as no one makes the film anymore and even Tony the nice man at Longworth Photographic in Farnborough (who by the way has THE coolest collection of old cameras in his shop) couldn't suggest a soloution for. But the Kodak Duaflex is usable it might just need a bit of work/expense because even though no one makes 620 film anymore 120 film will work, I just need to spool it in a dark room/bag.
I've had lots of helpful suggestions to alternatives to a dark bag including trousers and a hoodie but I might just blow £20 on a bag and make life easier (although I have advertised wanting one on freecycle - you never know!)
Either way I still love them, there's something really nice about the nostalgia of old camera's. Each one of these is probably over 50 years old and have obviously been lovingly cared for. And no matter how advanced we get with the digital age the smell of bromide still tales me back to school days, and there's still more skill needed to get a good pic out of these. Am I up to it? Who knows? Watch this space :)
Artistry Over Algorithms
13 hours ago