June 14, 2007

You Couldn't Make It Up!

According to todays Sun (I make no apologies - I like it!)

TWO female cops jumped on a RICKSHAW to get to the scene of a crime.

PCs Ann Marie Rosier, 37, and Sue Beament, 44, were on the beat when an officer called for help.

They were too far away to run - so flagged down Ben Matthews in his pedal-powered cab.

The PCs made siren noises as they sped to Castle Green park, Hereford. They later arrested a man for breaching bail and assaulting a police officer.

A police spokesman said: "We will be handing over a generous tip

...They made siren noises!!! Can you picture it?

Neee Naaah Neeee Nahhhh

June 11, 2007

Bill's Plannin...

(photo by cloudasmoke)

Wikipedia describes lol Cats as a compound of lol and cat (you think!) and, as photo's of cats with humorous captions.

Even flickr has spawned a group for them now, which I was looking through earlier when I found this, probably one of the funniest I've seen so far.

Of course as I have all the necessary equipment (ie a Cat!) I've had a few goes myself - What do you think?

June 04, 2007

Great Inventions Of Our Time?

I heard on the news a few days ago a story about a new product designed to stop Cats from catching birds and other small animals - The Cat Bib. The website says...

The CatBib is a unique, patented product that prevents your cat from catching and killing wild birds... simply, safely, effectively, and inexpensively! AND it's been scientifically proven to stop cats from catching birds!

What's more there are many many glowing testimonials from Cat owners who state just how effective it has been. Personally as the owner of a cat with a voracious appetite for the destruction of small defenceless animals, mice in particular, I can't imagine anything more ridiculous, much as I'd love to find a way to curb his enthusiasm for hunting he's a cat for god's sake! It's what they do!

Firstly I have enough trouble getting him to wear a collar (having spent over £20 in the last three months on collars that stay on for an average of a week if I'm lucky) let alone a huge lump of neoprene as well! And secondly it looks stupid - he would be the laughing stock of the area and I just couldn't do it to him, not to mention the fact that any attempt to put it on him would probably result in my need for medical attention!

I've attached a picture of a few of the cats on the website happily(?) wearing their cat bibs although it's not very clear you should get the gist of it, if you really want to see cats suffering just have a look at the website and click on the testimonial section - I tell you not one of them looks happy about it. I know it's a problem but beyond a bell round the neck or permanent captivity not one that I think there's ever going to be an effective solution to, and if there is it's certainly not the Cat Bib! Cats hunt! Live with it!